The perfect storage area

When it comes to convenience, why not keep your spices right near the stove? Well, actually, don’t do it. Even though there’s a convenient area about, heat destroys flavor of spices… in effect their shelf life.

Okay, then. How about the refrigerator? Or freezer? Nope. Cooling spices down means they have to warm up when you take them back into the room. This can result in condensation, and shorten their life. Plus, mold could be an issue.

How about as a real clever wall hanging? As long as it’s well away from direct sunlight.

Cool and dry. That’s what herbs and spices like – around 70°F.

Also, when cooking keep keep your herbs and spices away from direct steam, the cooking food, etc. Only keep the actual product that will be used near the heat.

Whether it’s Mason jars with airtight covers or just plastic bags with a seal… nothing lasts forever. Most spices for example, last about six months. When your herbs and spices get a little older, ground them up, or maybe fry or toast them a little bit…

Not all spices are the same. For example, vanilla bean needs air to remain in fresh air. The suggestion, take them out of storage for 10 minutes a month, or don’t use an totally airtight container.